Similar words: september, september 11, black sea, black swan, black sheep, black skin, black stone, black spot. Meaning: n. a Palestinian international terrorist organization that split from the PLO in 1974; has conducted terrorist attacks in 20 countries.
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1. Black September carried out its Olympic Village massacre and 16 people died.
2. Eight Palestinians, calling themselves the Black September Terrorists, broke into the Munich Olympic Village and took nine Israeli athletes hostage.
3. The Black September terrorists demanded the release of more than 200 Palestinians held in jails in Israel. They also demanded the release of two more Palestinians held in prisons in Germany.
4. 1972 - Israeli Athletes are taken hostage by Palestinian Black September (group) at 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich massacre.
5. That belief became illusion on September 5, 1972, in Munich when Israeli Olympians were taken hostage by the Black September terrorist organization.
6. Attacks along the border with Jordan, chiefly the work of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), continued until Black September 1979, when King Hussein forced the PLO out of Jordan.
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